Wellbeing at work | Yoga & mindfulness tips

Ah, what a lovely summer it was! Carefree days without tight schedules or meetings. Walking barefoot in flowy dresses, going to the beach and eating ice creams, taking naps and forgetting what day it was. Sounds quite perfect, right?! And it is for a while but then we start to miss some routines and structure to our days. They bring balance and safety but also stress. We have few tips how you can make going back to work less stressful. Wellbeing at work is so important and with some of these yoga & mindfulness tips you can actually feel good & stay motivated!

Work-life balance

We spend more than a half of your days at work, which makes it extremely important to feel well and to stay motivated and therefore make better results! What we do after work is also important. We need to charge our own batteries and have enough time to recover mentally and physically. How to maintain a good work-life balance? Below you’ll find few tips! Wellbeing at work and everyday life prepares us to face new opportunities and challenges!

Microbreaks at work

Taking breaks at work is important for your body but also for your brain! These breaks do not have to be long for you to get the benefit. What are microbreaks and how do they work? Microbreaks are short breaks that help keeping you engaged, energized and motivated during the day. The break can be eating a snack, chatting with a co-worker, stretching, drawing or doing a crossword puzzle. Anything that takes your brain off from work for few minutes will boost your energy levels and work flow.

Enough recovery to boost your physical and mental health

Even if the work does not feel too demanding, it is important to take care of your mental and physical health everyday. Have enough time to recover from work and give your body & brain some love! Go out in the nature, breathe fresh air, eat balanced diet, sleep enough, read books, listen to music that makes you feel good, go for a run, stretch. Remember to listen to your body!

Breathing excercises & mindfullness

Close your eyes and breathe. Sounds easy but can be difficult! Try relaxing your body and focus on your breathing; in and out, in and out through your nose. You can do this exercise before going to bed. Other good mindfulness exercises are mindful observation and mindful listening. Observe your thoughts, feelings and emotions. How do you feel at this moment? Listen to your surroundings. What can you hear?

Practice yoga to support your wellbeing at work and everyday life

Have you ever heard mind and body connection? Deep breathing and slow movements, focusing on the present moment while moving your body gently. Practicing yoga will help you build up strenght, balance & flexibility. It is also known to reduce stress and anxiety! Yoga calms your mind and body which makes it a perfect way to disconnect from work and feel happy.

Estilo Nordico is dedicated to taking care of its employees’ wellbeing! Patricipating at a yoga class together once a week supports physical & mental health and builds up team spirit.

+ Read more about microbreaks here.

+ Check out these Mindfulness excecises.

Psst.. If you are a professional and are looking for interior design & decoration for your projects, contact us at info@estilonordico.com or visit our website for more information.

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